Monday, January 7, 2013

Gold Rush, S03E09, Leprechaun Gold


Audible review


Part 2 of the third season of Gold Rush are now on the screens. It's going to be an intense second half of the third season, will the Hoffman crew reach their 1000 ounce goal, after Idian River has produced 115 ounces in the first half, and will the Dakota Boys double their last season gold total, as they keep hunting the glory hole at Porcupine Creek. Last but not least, can Parker Schnabel reach his 300 ounce goal, after pulling out a staggering 55 ounces on one week? We shall soon find out as the second half of the third Gold Rush season kicks off.

At Indian River, Team Turin is about to run out of paydirt in their first cut, at now has produced 115 ounces of gold for the Hoffman crew. Dave estimates that they will chew through the last paydirt of cut one in about a week. Idian River is divided into two levels, where they have mining rights for the lower level, but Dave Turin won't risk opening a cut at the lower level, due to the permafrost, which would melt in the summer sun, and flood the cut with century old mud. He therefor confronts Todd Hoffman, and says that he want the upper bench of Idian River, which claim owner Greg McNiel wanted to keep for himself. Todd agrees with Dave, and immidietly heads to Greg. Greg is points out that part of the deal were that he'd keep the upper bench for himself to mine. Todd Hofman points out that it probably would take Greg a few seasons to strip and mine it, and he convinces Greg that Team Turin could do it within one season. So Greg agrees as he hands over a drill log to Todd Hoffman. Team Turin has the upper bench of Idian River, which will not get flooded by permafrost if they strip and rip in the sun.

At Quartz Creek, Todd Hoffman get's ready to head away, as he points out that he has some business to handle back home. Ray, the builder of Todd's turbo trommel arrives on site to replace the motor in the machine, as the motor couldn't handle the job. They manage to extract the old motor out of the turbo trommel in virtually no time at all.

At the Big Nugget Mine, Parker Schnabel after finding out that Smith Creek Hill is a bust, due to bedrock being at 88 feet. Parker's grandfather, John Schnabel has been away one week to undergo surgery, Parker's mother recieve a call from John, where John announces that he went through the surgery without trouble. Parker's mother arrives at Big Nugget Mine to deliver the good news to Parker

As Smith Creek Hill is a bust, Parker now has to find new ground to keep his grandfather's 25 year-old mine running. Parker states that the dirt they're processing at the moment are pure junk, with no gold in it, so he has to find new ground, to keep the mine from shutting down.

At Porcupine Creek, Fred and Dustin disagrees on how they're going to reach their season goal. The Dakota Boys has 40 ounces of gold so far, but needs double that just to break even. Fred is positive that they're on the acient glory hole, but Dustin disagrees and he thinks that they should process what they know hold gold, the grey material which produced 10's of thousand's of dollars in the previous season. Fred though, has information that might change their mind. He presents his crew with McKinley Creek, which he states that miners pulled 4500 ounces out of in two weeks, back in the day. Which todays gold prices are worth over 7 million dollars.

Back at Indian River, Team Turin is getting ready to for their weekly clean out, the team shuts down their washplant "Big Red", and extracts the miners moss from the sluice. Greg Remsburg then drives the miners moss 2 miles up river to Quartz Creek, where the gold extraction room is located. Jack Hoffman and Jim Thurber starts to clean the miners moss in the bucket, which will make the gold trapped in the moss, fall into the bucket. Jack discovers that there's grease or oil in the miners moss, which keeps the gold trapped in the moss, so that it can't fall into the bucket. Though they do after 3 hours manage to clean all the miners moss, and extract the gold from the consentrated dirt. Jack then weighs the gold, and the total is 55 ounces, which makes the Indian River season total 170 ounces so far. Dave Turin points out that if they should have a chance at reaching their 1000 ounce gold, then Todd's turbo trommel must get up and running as fast as possible.

Back at Quartz Creek, the Hoffman Crew are still battling, with installing the new motor for Todd's turbo trommel. They've managed to pull the old one out, but the new one is about 4 times bigger and they have to carefully lift it into position with the excavator. Ray, the turbo trommel's builder manages to lift into into the tight spot, with just inches to spare.

Back at Big Nugget Mine, Parker Schnabel has hired a driller, for several thousand dollars to drill Emerson Trench, to find out wheather it would be feasible to even dig any deeper at Emerson Trench. Parker needs to reach bedrock within 30 feet, or it will not be possible to mine it the remainder of the season. The drilling starts, and another drill section is attached to the big drill, but at 26 feet deep the drillers report that they've hit bedrock, and suddenly Emerson Trench is the digsite which might save the Big Nugget Mine from shutting down. 

Back at Porcupine Creek, Dustin has had a change of heart about the Porcupine waterfall treasure hunt, he's now along with his father, all set on finding the bottom of the glory hole. After 20 hours of running the "waterfall" gold, they shut down the washplant and extracts the gold. At this point the Dakota Boys have 40 ounces total, but needs atleast double that to just break even. The result of the clean out is 20 ounces in gold, worth over $30,000 from just 20 hours of running "waterfall" dirt.

Back at Quartz Creek, Ray the inventor of Todd's turbo trommel has finally gotten a new motor installed. The team waste no time firing up the revamped turbo trommel and as it spins up, it's looking very good. Andy a member of Team Todd, loads the very first bucket into the trommel and it processes it to perfection, everything is ready for Quartz Creek to finally get into the game, and put some ounces of gold to their names. As the episode finale, Ray pans out the concentrate from the trommel, and the result is good news, gold at last is to be found in the pan.

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