Sunday, January 6, 2013

About Gold Rush Alaska


The Gold Rush Alaska premiere, was on December 3, 2010. That Friday, the TV show were watched by 2.17 million viewers nationwide. The steady stream of viewers continued throughout the entire first season of Gold Rush Alaska, where it averaged 3.32 million viewers.

The first season of Gold Rush Alaska, featured 6 men from Sandy, Oregon who all, due to the economic downturn had all lost their jobs. They all decided to gamble their future on striking it rich, on gold mining in Alaska's wilderness. Most of the crew had no experience in gold prospecting nor mining, at the given time. Only Todd Hoffman's father, Jack Hoffman had experience in gold mining, as he went mining back in the 1980's.

Todd Hoffman, the leader of the crew, lead them though the painful season, which only burried the miners deeper into the holes they already were in. The crew only managed to pull out a shameful 14 ounces of gold, where the last approximately 7 ounces came from the final week, before the Alaskan winter. The last 7 ounces had come from 60 feet deep in Jack Hoffman's "glory hole", which Jack had the crew convinced would make them rich, but breakdowns and crew fallouts prevented them from reaching the bottom of the hole. So in September they went home to Sandy, Oregon again, beaten with only 14 ounces as their total take. 

The first season of Gold Rush Alaska, featured a total of 10 episodes, along with 1 single special at the end of the season. The season ended January 18, 2011.



The second season were renamed from Gold Rush Alaska, to just Gold Rush, due to the show not only taking place in Alaska, USA anymore, but also in the Yukon, Canada.

As Todd Hoffman, the leader of the Hoffman crew misses a lease payment on the mining claim in Porcupine Creek in South-East Alaska, "Dakota" Fred Hurt buys the claim from Earl Foster, the owner of the claim at the time. The second season of Gold Rush, features 3 gold mining crews. The Hoffman crew lead by Todd Hoffman, which stations in Quartz Creek in the Klondike area of the Yukon, Canada. The Dakota boys lead by veteran miner Fred Hurt, which takes over Porcupine Creek in Alaska from the Hoffman's. 17 year old Parker Schnabel, which takes over from his grandfather John Schnabel, at the Big Nugget Mine, in Alaska.



As the Hoffman crew is forced to move out of Porcupine Creek, they venture into the Yukon, at the beginning of the second season, after Fred Hurt took over Porcupine Creek. Without a place to set up at first, Todd Hoffman spends the entire 24-hour journey to the Klondike on the phone with claim owners, trying to secure a place for his crew to set up their operation at.

He eventually finds a claim known as Quartz Creek, 30 miles from Dawson. The claim at first, appears to just be ground already mined, as there's dredge tailings all over the claim, but at the far back, the claim owner introduces them to the virgin ground, which he believes the dredge never mined.

The Hoffman crew struggle with clearing vegetation on the slope where the virgin ground is believed to be, and quickly gives up on that, they're forced to survey their land and finds some flat ground with big spruce trees, which they believe the dredge also didn't manage to mine. That turns out of the a mistake from Todd's side, as the claim owners father visits Quartz creek, 5 days into the stripping, and tells them that the ground they're stripping already has been mined.

The Hoffman crew are forced to seek expert help, and Todd Hoffman visits the biggest mine in the Klondike, which is owned by Tony Beets. Tony tells them that they shouldn't even touch the ground without drilling test holes first. So that's what Todd Hoffman then decides to do on Quartz Creek, he drills a total of 12 test holes, where only 6 of them shows gold in the test pans. The 6 holes are positioned on the slope they started stripping a week prior to their mistake, but gave up on.

As the season progress, they set a season goal of 100 ounces. They spent alot of time setting up their washplant, but it is finally producing gold, their first cut are almost played out and have yielded them 40 of their 100 ounces. They then start stripping a second cut, but quickly finds out that they've missed gold in their first cut. After a discovering gold in the bedrock of cut one, they bring in their neighbor, which informs them that they also have found gold in the bedrock, as he's actually 6 feet deep into the bedrock. So the Hoffman crew keeps hammering the bedrock and pulls more gold out of cut number one.

As the season wraps up, the Hoffman crew are pushing for the 100 ounces, at their last clean up, they need a staggering 18 ounces of gold to hit their 100 ounce goal. They manage to pull in 13 ounces in their last clean up and reach a season total of 93 ounces. Which is over 6 times more than their total in season 1. The miners believe themselves that they're now legitimate gold miners, and each crew member recieve 5 ounces of gold, as their share of the season.








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